
First Use of Quantum Computers to Crack Encryption Should Prompt Review, Not Panic
What this development warns of is the possibility of weaker quantum computers being used to crack encryption ahead of schedule, by focusing on specific standards and coming up with innovative approaches tailored to them.

31 Million Record Data Breach at Internet Archive Followed by Hacktivist DDoS Attacks
Service at the Internet Archive remains spotty after about two weeks of off-and-on attacks, beginning with a major data breach in late September that exposed 31 million user credentials.

European Government Air-Gapped Systems Successfully Hacked by Malware Attacks
The basic setup of the GoldenJackal malware attack is simple, but clever: compromise a USB drive known to be regularly connected to air-gapped systems, and let it harvest files for you. When it is returned to an internet-connected device, the stolen files are forwarded along their way.

Increase in Data and Privacy Breaches Creating a Spike in Large Cyber Claims
There is a particular spike in cyber claims from “hyperlitigation” that results when a managed services provider or some other upstream source is breached, causing follow-on client data and privacy breaches and a cascade of lawsuits.

Verizon, AT&T Among US Telecoms and ISPs Breached by Chinese Hackers
The group seemed to have a specific priority goal for the US telecoms: accessing a federal wiretap system used for legally ordered surveillance of criminal suspects, a type of intel that Chinese hackers have targeted before.

New CRI Guidance Discourages Ransomware Payments, Focuses on Alternative Options
The new CRI guidance does not call for a shutdown of ransomware payments, but does encourage victims to get in touch with law enforcement as soon as possible even if they intend to make a payment.

T-Mobile’s Recent Data Breaches Accounted for With $31.5 Million FCC Settlement
T-Mobile has been struggling with a chain of data breaches that dates back to 2018, but the present FCC settlement only addresses those that took place from 2021 to 2023. As it happens, those were also the largest and most serious incidents.

No Rest for US Cyber Defense as Chinese Hackers Are Caught Targeting ISPs in Another Scheme
US officials are concerned about the possibility of Chinese hackers shutting off the electricity, water and internet taps should a war in Taiwan break out. But ISPs are most likely being targeted right now as they provide the ability to track employees and personnel.

Cyber Attack Cripples World’s Second-Largest Money Transfer Service
Nearly a week after first announcing a “network outage” that shut all of its money transfer services down, MoneyGram is still working to restore its core operations. The company has since confirmed that the outage has actually been caused by a cyber attack.

CISA, FBI Issue New Guidance on XSS Vulnerabilities
XSS vulnerabilities have been a general nuisance for years, but a new alert from CISA and the FBI points out that they represent a national security risk and a notable financial drain on the country.